W3C Web Accessibility Initiative https://www.w3.org/WAI/
Group of authors in W3C working improving accessibility in websites
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Accessible Rich Internet Applications https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/aria/
A Specification «These semantics are designed to allow an author to properly convey user interface behaviors and structural information to assistive technologies in document-level markup.»
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«WAI-ARIA provides a collection of accessibility states and properties […].»
ARIA https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#usage
which are used to support platform accessibility APIs on various operating system platforms Markup static, ARIA allows developers to change things dynamically. Hence the rich
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Web Content Accessibility Guidelines https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/
Define Success Criteria Show Techniques
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Shorthand for accessibility
Eleven letters between a and y Term itself is not undisputed in the accessibility community
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«The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.»
Tim Berners-Lee, 1997 https://www.w3.org/Press/IPO-announce
When the W3C launched the Web Accessibility Initiative
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«Users with disabilities would expect to encounter detectable errors on 1 in every 13 elements with which they engage.»
The WebAIM Million – Errors and Error Density https://webaim.org/projects/million/
97.8% of home pages had detectable WCAG 2 failures! Accessibility is a topic incredibly hard to test automatically WCAG conformant sites probably under 1 %
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What happened?
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These are very basic things Mostly easy to fix Alt text for large publications requires a team effort, especially if it is missing for a long time
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24% of organisations think they are WCAG compliant
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Mostly white, male and able-bodied
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It’s not us. It’s society.
But also us.
We are privileged We are responsible for what we do with it
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«Privilege is not my fault. But it is my responsibility.»
Tatiana Mac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzs_8e3Xhhc
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Over time websites have evolved from a medium to exchange scientific papers to one in which you can do basically anything These are the things that are – more often than not – not easy to fix
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Accessibility is no rocket science.
And everybody benefits.
Some things are hard, yes. But let’s get the basics right.
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If we don’t want to look like a bunch of overpaid bollocks.
Get people involved in web dev Listen to those who speak up
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Making the Web Accessible
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On your own, understanding the ARIA and WCAG pages can be daunting
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«The only way this work gets done is if we start small, and if we work together.»
Ethan Marcotte – The web we broke https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/the-web-we-broke/
He asked the question «What’s one thing I wish I understood better about accessibility?»
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And ARIA where applicable.
The first rule of ARIA is «Do not use ARIA» e.g. buttons «ARIA, the language created to help make interfaces more accessible, was found on more than sixty percent of the home pages surveyed. Unfortunately, those home pages were more likely to have detectable accessibility errors.» Ethan Marcotte citing from AIM 1 million
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Start small, by clicking around and listen to the SR output Start navigating around with your keyboard Close your eyes
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They are the experts.
Nothing about us without us Be humble We are not able to say what works, e.g. steep wheelchair ramp
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That means things you are going to do. It’s impossible to just make a whole existing site accessible. Try to get the people you are reporting aboard and agree
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Accessible Inputs
Why talk about this?
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«59% of the 3.4 million form inputs identified were unlabeled (either via <label>, aria-label, or aria-labelledby).»
The WebAIM Million – Form Labeling https://webaim.org/projects/million/#labels
«The presence of unlabeled form controls was a strong indicator of broader errors—pages with at least one missing form label averaged nearly 30 more errors than those without any label errors.» Past interfaces I built are full of errors, present ones probably too
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Structure taken from an online course Not everything is just divs
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Very little has changed
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Two circling hearts, button
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Unless you write the crosswords for the New York Times.
And with this problem we leave the realm of native HTML
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Describe an element using the text content of another
aria-describedby, provides the means to associate an element with the text of another object, or objects, in the document. When properly used, this attribute can provide the necessary information to assist in creating inclusive user experiences.»
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DESCRIBING aria-describedby
Scott O’Hara
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Expanding the Toolbox 🧰
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«The only way this work gets done is if we start small, and if we work together.»
Ethan Marcotte – The web we broke https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/the-web-we-broke/