A presentation at JAMStack_berlin in in Berlin, Germany by Oscar
We all use words. This announcement is made up of words. And some words are well-defined by a society that means to oppress with these words. Words that sometime need to be reclaimed, sometime used with caution or not at all. This is why Tatiana Mac started [self-defined] (https://www.selfdefined.app). A resource where the people impacted by these words can add their own definitions. As the claim goes: «we define our words, but they don’t define us».
Recently, it was rebuilt with Eleventy and a huge bunch of Markdown files. This change presented the team with some unique challenges, as Markdown wasn’t invented to build a dictionary.
This talk will provide with you with a look into the technical present and future of self-defined. How can you handle complex data structures with Markdown? To what extent does a static site make sense? And how can you add your definition of you?
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Talk by Zach Leatherman explaining the thinking behind the Twitter Archive
Eleventy online course by Jérôme Coupé, freely available on GitHub